Electrician Course

The two year ITI certified Electrician & Wireman course, trains the students in roles in wiring and electrical equipment. At the end of the course, the students have the required skills to enter the job-market making them financially independent. The two-year course is divided into four semesters.

In the first semester, students learn the importance of occupational safety, the basics of electric theory as well as the fundamentals towards the use of wiring, conductors, resistance, and electromagnetism.

The second semester focusses on understanding the working of measuring instruments like the Voltmeter, Ammeter, and Ohmmeter. Students also study the workings of AC circuits and Transformers. Apart from the theory sessions, students also have a hands-on training on wiring and wiring boards.

The final two semesters focusses on the use and working of transistors, the effects of neutrals and the understanding of DC generators and motors. This is coupled with practical sessions where students work with AC and DC motor drives and the insulation testing of single-phase and three-phase.

To promote entrepreneurship and self-sustainability, students are also trained in planning, estimation and costing when taking up wireman jobs.

At the culmination of the course, students are assisted in preparing their CVs and developing their interviewing skills. This, in turn, helps the student in secure a job in companies around the campus vicinity.